Are dental cleanings really necessary?

If you want to keep your oral health in the best possible condition, you should attend professional dental cleanings and checkups at least once every six months. This will allow your dentist to find and treat any oral health condition right from the start and will ensure that you maintain a radiant smile for as long as possible. One of my first and happiest memories was when I was discharged from a hospital oxygen store as a young child. He had developed pneumonia and was in a very bad state.

Not only did they keep me under an oxygen store for several days in St. Luke's Hospital in Kansas City, but they also gave me massive amounts of tetracycline. The good news is that I recovered. The bad news is that, since then, my teeth have had quite severe tetracycline stains.

This is not just a discoloration of the surface, my enamel is grayer than I would like. I tell you this because I have always had an uncomfortable relationship with my teeth, and this feeling could bias my view of dentists. I don't like going to my dentist's office every six months and having my teeth cleaned. Recently, while I was sitting in the chair, an idea occurred to me.

If you have been thinking about getting your teeth cleaned, you may be wondering if you really need it. Dental cleanings are designed to remove plaque buildup and bacteria from your mouth. But there is a lot of controversy over whether they are even necessary. Here are a few things you should know.

Plaque buildup

Plaque is a sticky substance that can build up on your teeth. When it forms, it can lead to gum disease and cavities. It can also cause bad breath. The best way to prevent plaque is to practice good oral hygiene.

To prevent plaque, you should brush your teeth twice a day and floss once a day. You should also limit sugary foods and drinks. In addition, you should drink plenty of water after meals.

Plaque is a sticky biofilm that consists of bacteria and minerals that collect on the surface of your teeth. To prevent plaque, you should brush your teeth after meals, use a mouthwash that kills plaque-causing bacteria and visit your dentist regularly for a checkup.

Bad breath

If you are experiencing halitosis, you may be looking for ways to get rid of the problem. The first step is to find out what is causing it. Then, you can take the appropriate steps to cure the condition.

Bad breath can be caused by gum disease, poor dental hygiene, a medical condition, or an infection in the throat. You can learn more about these causes by talking to your dentist or a hygienist.

Your dentist will be able to help you find the root cause of your halitosis. You might even be able to treat the issue at home.

If you do not want to go to the dentist, you can use an over-the-counter mouthwash. This will mask the smell of the odor-causing bacteria. You will also need to make sure you brush your teeth and tongue regularly.

Gum disease

If you want to keep your teeth healthy, you need to brush and floss daily. However, you should also seek professional dental cleanings. This way, your dentist can spot and remove plaque and tartar buildup from the teeth and gums.

This practice is designed to stop the progression of gum disease. This type of cleaning can take several visits. Some patients may need up to four visits to have the tartar removed from their mouths.

Whether you need a deep cleaning or a routine cleaning, it is important to make an appointment with your dentist. This will help ensure the longevity of your teeth.


In the world of dental cleanings, it's not all about scraping away plaque and whitening your teeth. It's also about having your teeth examined by a dentist, checking for signs of oral cancer, and perhaps most importantly, maintaining the health of your gums.

In general, you should get your teeth cleaned once a year, though some people require more frequent visits. It's also recommended that you floss your teeth at least once a day. While it's true that you can brush and floss your own teeth, your hygienist will likely be able to make your life easier by pointing out areas of concern and recommending a course of action.


Dental X-rays are necessary because they can help your dentist identify any dental problems. They are easy, painless, and quick. They can also reveal areas of your mouth that aren't visible to the naked eye.

A number of factors determine how often you'll need to get your dental x-rays. Among the factors are your age, your oral health, and your risk for disease.

When you're at a dental office for the first time, you might be asked to take a few X-rays. This will allow you and your dentist to compare how your teeth are changing over time.

A full series of X-rays is recommended for patients with extensive decay or other serious dental disease. For those without recent dental problems, you might only need X-rays every few years.

Fluoride treatments

A fluoride treatment is a dental cleaning that can be performed in a short amount of time. It can strengthen teeth and help prevent cavities. It is a safe, cost-effective way to maintain healthy teeth.

Tooth decay occurs when bacteria in plaque produce acids. When the acid attacks the enamel on the teeth, it damages the structure of the teeth. It can also cause sensitivity.

There are many factors that can increase the risk of cavities. For example, gum recession can expose the root surface of a tooth, which is more susceptible to decay. Additionally, people who have a history of frequent cavities are at higher risk.

I began to wonder if there was such a thing as “evidence-based dentistry”. In my book Super Crunchers (Naked Self-Promotion), I wrote an entire chapter on evidence-based medicine, which is, in part, an effort to test whether medical treatments are statistically proven to be effective. I figured there had to be a parallel movement in dentistry, and maybe someone had looked at whether hygienist dental cleaning helps or not. But another reaction is to wonder if it's really necessary to make dental patients suffer so much financial and physical discomfort.

Dentists, like other agents (realtors, car salespeople), don't have the best financial incentives when it comes to advising how much to clean. My father always told me that dealership rust protection was a scam to give dealers some extra money without providing their car with any additional protection. Could brushing your teeth be the economic equivalent of having a rust-proof car dealership? As I said before, this post is probably just solving some internal child hurt problem. And let me clarify that I am not questioning the value of brushing and flossing my teeth, or visiting your dentist regularly to check for cavities, as well as other possible problems).

The next time your dentist asks you to make an appointment to have your teeth cleaned, you might reasonably ask yourself, “Why? As an Amazon partner, Freakonomics may earn commission on qualifying purchases made through links on this site. Tartar forms when plaque is left on your teeth long enough for it to harden. It can harden so hard that it feels like a piece of hard rock or cement. At this point, brushing alone won't eliminate it.

Plaque can build up on top of the tartar. This extra buildup irritates the gums. Over time, it can also lead to gum disease. So, if you were wondering, “Is regular dental cleaning necessary? the answer is yes.

A thorough dental cleaning is necessary when there is a significant amount of bacteria and tartar accumulated on the surface of the teeth. Once bags form due to gum disease, bacteria and tartar begin to fill them. Failure to remove it can lead to periodontal disease and eventually tooth loss. Cleaning and polishing your teeth not only gives you a great smile, but also prevents future tooth decay and gum disease.

Getting your teeth cleaned every six months gives the dental team an opportunity to examine your oral health. If it's been more than six months since you found yourself in a dental chair, here's a reminder of why you need to clean your teeth and what to expect at your next dentist appointment. If it's been a while since you've been seen by a dentist, there's a good chance your teeth need a thorough cleaning. Having a dental professional clean your teeth helps remove tartar and stains from spaces you can't reach at home.

Unlike regular dental cleanings, cleaning may take more than one appointment to perform due to the breadth of cleaning. Two dental cleanings a year provided significant benefits to people with one or more of the three risk factors, while people with two or three of the risk factors may need more than two cleanings a year. . .

Jeffery Fjeseth
Jeffery Fjeseth

Friendly tv ninja. Passionate food junkie. Award-winning social media scholar. Infuriatingly humble music trailblazer. Infuriatingly humble pop culture junkie. Infuriatingly humble music geek.